Do you love trees in all shapes and sizes? I do and I have the perfect craft kit for you. We have three different to choose from, my favorite is the Farmhouse Tree. I just love the gentle slope of the layers. Below, I show you how I decorated my Farmhouse Tree. Our tree kits come with a large tree and a small tree.
Supplies Needed:
- Kathy Creates Farmhouse Tree Craft Kit
- Scrapbook Paper
- Paint – I used gray, white and black
- Mod Podge
- Hot Glue Gun
- Sanding Block
- E6000
- Half Wood Beads
- Scissors
The kit comes with four layers, a base and a stick for each tree. The layers have a scored rectangle on the back, make sure you are painting the front. I decided to do every other layer with buffalo plaid scrap paper so the layers I painted, I first started with a base coat of gray. Once dry, I lightly added a little black and white, just barely kissing the surface. Once that was dry, I took the sanding block and lightly sanded the surface to give it the distressed look that I love. On the other layers with the scrapbook paper, I traced the wood pieces on the back side of the scrapbook paper and then cut them out. Paint the Mod Podge onto the wood pieces and place the scrapbook paper over and smooth down. Once that has dried, take the sanding block and sand off the excess paper. An easy way to paint the half beads is to take a small piece of duct tape and place the beads on the sticky side and paint. To stay with my farmhouse style, I painted the base piece black.

Assembling the Tree
In the kit there is a long stick. Each piece of the tree has a scored rectangle on the back so when you assemble, you know where to glue the stick. I find it easier to line the pieces up and start gluing from the bottom. I start with putting a few dots of E6000 and then putting hot glue over that. Always use the E6000 first as the hot glue with harden fast. The E6000 will give you the permanent hold the hot glue will hold it while you assemble the tree. Once it has dried, place it in the base. It will be a tight fit, that is by design to hold the tree upright. The last step is to hot glue your half beads onto the tree in any pattern you prefer.
These trees can be decorated for any season and can add a wow factor to your home decor. You can mix the style of the trees for a unique look.
Click the link below to purchase your own kit and start crafting.

Farmhouse Tree Kit
Farmhouse Tree Kit
Decorate for the Christmas Holiday or for the winter season. This kit will help you add sparkle to your winter seasonal décor!
Includes parts for:
- 1 11.5 inch tree
- 1 7.5 inch tree.
* colors will very due to wood variation.
Happy Crafting,